I wanted to give a shout out to my sister. She spent the last several weeks here and I miss her already. She was such a help to us and made the Holidays special for us. Maddie and Zoe adore her and she could possibly be the best aunt ever. I know she is the best sister ever. We are hoping and praying that in May when she finishes grad school she will be offered a job and be moving here. So let the countdown begin!
A few bazillion years ago! | |
I love you Leah!
1. Thank you for posting a good picture (meaning, thank you for NOT posting the Mary Poppins picture).
2. Thank you for praying that I get the job, or a job at this point, cause I really want to move.
3. Thank you for publicing announcing to the millions of your readers that I am indeed the best sister in the world, lol.
4. But thank you most of all for being a fabulous sister and my best friend :-)
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