Or the house. Let's just say that we are not the kinda people that are decorating the house Thanksgiving weekend. Never have, probably never will. Don't get me wrong, we love Christmas and all it entails but it never seems to happen. I feel accomplished if we have it all up by my birthday on the 8th. We accomplished that this year. Friday night while I was working, I requested that Steve and the girls go get a tree so that could happen. Sunday after naps we cranked up the Christmas music and decorated the house (the inside at least). The girls seem to really "get" Christmas this year. At the least the lights, and the tree, and Santa. We are working on the true meaning with them also! They sat in Santa's lap on Saturday on our trip to Wild Adventures and told him what they wanted ( I got a little nervous as the 7 year old in front of them in the Santa line told him she wanted a laptop. Really? You are seven child. Can I sit on Santa's lap and request a few things too? I count my blessings that my children enjoy the little things in life. They asked for a Belle Dress.) They really enjoy all the lights they see around town also. It is fun to see them finally notice and enjoy it so much!
Zoe hanging the ornaments on the tree - with a little help from Dad, of course. |
Notice where all the ornaments wound up. Needless to say, Mom and Dad had to fix it later. |
Yes, they are all of Zoe. Maddie wasn't cooperating for pictures. |
Proud of their work of art! | | |
Merry Christmas everyone!
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