January 5, 2011

A New Year

I have never really been one to make New Year's Resolutions. I make (and break) plenty of resolutions throughout the year so no need to set a special day for it. I do, however, always like to reflect on the last year of my life and think about changes I would like to make or things I would like to accomplish. In that regard, this year was no different. What is different is that I am going to share my thoughts with you. I will call them goals.

Goal #1: Try to blog at least once per week. 

I got off to a good start but the Holiday Season seemed to get the better of me. I really would like to do more (and hope that I do) but I figured this was a good place to start. By the way, feel free to leave comments. I love them! They encourage me in this endeavor. Although I am mainly doing this for us, it is nice to know someone is out there reading. 

 Goal #2: Memorize more scripture.

I have been convicted and encouraged recently by our Sunday School Bible Study of Philippians to do this. I have not set a specific goal, but I am going to post scripture around the house to help me do this. Any amount will be better than what I have been doing. This is one I learned as a child and as a part of our study has encouraged me to memorize.

  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.   Philippians 4:8

Goal #3: Be more Christ-like in the way that I nurture and discipline my girls.

Let me first say, this not a plea for comments on what a great parent I am. I think it is safe to speak on behalf of my husband and say that parenting has seemed to be a struggle lately for us. I am sure every family has felt this way from time to time but I was left wondering why I had ever wanted to become a parent more often than I felt good about. Steve definitely has more experience with child-rearing and probably feels less frustration than I, but we have talked about it being there for both of us. Let me say, that this is really no reflection on my children or my love for them (because I love them so much), but rather a reflection of my feelings of inadequacy and not doing them justice. I found myself more and more frustrated and less and less enjoying the time I was spending with them. I could feel my blood pressure rising too often. My voice yelling too often. And my sanity quickly fading. There has never been a doubt in my mind the problem was with the parent and not with the child. So I prayed. I prayed that God would give me some direction. I feel that he has. I began reading some books and continuing to pray that God will lead me down the right path for our family. I have already seen some wonderful changes in just a few days and I am hopeful and determined to keep moving in the right direction.

Goal #4: To lead a simpler life and become more organized.

I feel overwhelmed. More that is normal, I think. Like I can't keep my head above water. My goal is to unclutter our lives - our house and our routines. Several ways I hope to do this are: better meal planning, removing junk we don't need or use from our home, and prioritizing what is really important to us. 

Goal #5: Spend more time on me and on my husband.

One thing I have definitely learned from becoming a parent is just how quickly time goes by. You can stop to breathe for a minute and realize it has been a week since you have done this or a month since you have done that. My intention is to make a conscious effort to make time for me. I can only guess that this will be reflected positively in the other goals I have set. I also want to focus more on my husband. On spending quality time with him more. On more date nights, less TV and wasted time, and on learning more about each other. I want to grow and nurture our relationship more. 

I hope that this time next year that I can be proud of what has been accomplished. My prayer is that Christ would be reflected  in my life more this year than ever.


Leah said...

You asked for comments...and so here are mine.

Goal # 2 = Missionettes
Goal # 3 = Not mentioning spending more time with me makes Leah feel very sad.
Goald # 4 = Hoarders :-) (j/k)

I love you, you're a great sister.


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